Sometimes you may ask question yourself to redirect your blogger url. You can think How To Redirect Your Blogger Blogs? for the following reasons.
  1. You are working with a new domain & you want to send all the visitors to the new domain.
  2. You have shifted your main website to another domain.
  3. You have updated article on a new domain.
  4. You have multiple blogs and want to focus one of them.
Anyway, you can redirect your blogger blog with only a line script. But, you may know that most of the visitors don't like to be redirected. So, you may try not to do that if you have another way to bypass redirecting.

Follow the process below to redirect your blog ...
  1. Go to BloggerTemplateEdit HTMLProceed 
  2. Expand the Template checking the expand box.
  3. Press (Ctrl + F) to find <head> code on your Template.
  4. Add the following code just below the <head> code.
    <meta content='5;url=Web_URL_HERE' http-equiv='refresh'/>
  5. Update: You should change "Web_URL_HERE" with the website you want to redirect.
  6. Now set up the time. Replace "5" with the amount of seconds you want to redirect your blog.

Alert: As you are redirecting people to other website you should mind it that your redirected website should be related with your current website. Otherwise, your Website account may be affected. Any if you want to redirect your visitors in less than 5 seconds, let your visitors to learn about the unexpected recirect fact. It may make your website visitors more satisfied.

You may post comment if you have any question.


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