The easiest way to make money with blog is to get free traffic. And on the other hand you can have more organic traffic if your website is well SEO. It seems you have created new blog & unique contents and waiting for some traffic to increase your earnings. SEO is very important getting your Google Adsense account approved.
Otherwise, if you have completed all the contents of your website but your website is not well SEO it's useless because without SEO your blogs will not get traffic. And without traffic every website is useless. If you can make your blogger blogs template SEO friendly then your website will be liked by most popular search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo.

If your website is well well SEO, your website will be visible on the top of search engines & your all the new posts will be indexed very fast.

What are the best on page SEO Techniques for Blogger?

Well, you have to make some on page changes to your blogger templates for better SEO. Like ...
  1. Add description, keyword, author meta tags
  2. Make Post Title + Blog Title
  3. Make your post title from <h3> tag to <h2>
  4. Submit your website's sitemap

Add description, keyword, author meta tags to you website

Now, add some meta Tags called description, keywords, author to your blog. Follow my direction now ...
  1. Go to BloggerTemplateEdit HTMLProceed 
  2. Expand the Template checking the expand box.
  3. Press (Ctrl + F) to find <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> code on your Template.
  4. Add the following code just below the <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> code.
    <meta content='Description Goes Here' name='description'/>
    <meta content='Keywords Goes Here' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='Author Name Goes Here' name='author'/>

What Should You Keep in Your Mind?

  1. Now, Write some description on behalf of your website on "Description Goes Here" section. It's important to highlight some keywords to your description.
  2. Write most relevant keywords on "Keywords Goes Here" section.
  3. Replace "Author Name Goes Here" with your Name (Who is author).
I think it helps you a lot. If you have any question you can post a comment on this post.


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